Written Materials

Where possible, each written resource is offered here as a readable document on this site, as well as a downloadable pdf version. Below is a brief overview of each resource.

Detour Spotting – for white anti-racists

by jona olsson

This essay examines “detours” into racist attitudes and behaviors taken by even well-intended White People. “Detour Spotting” is a logical, accessible tool designed to help White People of conscience look at our own unintentional racism. Unless we can identify our racist patterns of thought and behavior, we can never interrupt them. Each of the “detours” listed are ones faced by the author, some in the past, some remain challenges today. But White People are likely to face all of the “detours” when working to interrupt their own and other White People’s racism.

This essay is designed for use by individuals and groups. A workshop to help identify “detours,” using the essay as a foundation, plus experiential exercises, is also available.

Cage of Oppression

This graphic represents the conceptual framework for oppression and privilege employed by cultural bridges to justice trainers.

Internalized Sexism Inventory

This list of potential attitudes and behaviors resulting from internalized sexism is used in women’s caucuses and the “When I Doubt Myself and other women” workshop.

Internalized Racism Inventory

This list of potential attitudes and behaviors resulting from internalized racism is used in People of Color caucuses.

Level Playing Field

A compelling, physical activity that engages participants as they use their bodies to graphically illustrate the experiences of privilege and oppression in their own lives. We are including notes from our Trainers Manual for facilitating and processing this activity, plus some key take home points.

The Habit of Freedom – Liberating the colonized mind

by Kay Leigh Hagan

This essay, by noted feminist writer, Kay Leigh Hagan, is an excerpt from Fugitive Information: Essays from a Feminist Hothead(Harper Collins.) Written in 1993, it remains the most accessible and cogent writing on internalized sexism / misogyny. cultural bridges to justice trainers utilize this essay in every “When I Doubt Myself and other women” workshop, as it guides and supports women on their path to freedom.

The Lie of Entitlement

by Terrance (Red) Crowley

This essay was first printed in Transforming A Rape Culture in 1993, while he worked with Men Stopping Violence in Atlanta. cultural bridges to justice trainers draw on this essay during Challenging Sexism and Male Privilege workshops. Red reflects on his own life and learning about men’s role in the perpetuation of sexism.

Diagram of Sex and Gender

by Center for Gender Sanity

This diagram and accompanying explanatory information from Center for Gender Sanity (gendersanity.com) offers a clear and accessible approach to understanding biological sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

Building a Case for an Inclusive and Diverse Fire & Emergency

Service Organization

jona olsson, Fire & EMS Chief

This article, first published in Fire Chief Magazine, presents a customer service case, a case for health and safety, for recruiting and retention, for community risk reduction and prevention, for disaster preparedness, for reputation management, operations, a business case, plus an ethical and moral case, for building inclusive and diverse emergency service organizations.
