Introductory Racial Justice Workshops

Introductory Racial Justice Workshops

Our trainers can design a half day or one day introductory racial justice workshop for your organization.

We have listed a few possible objectives for such a workshop, but we will be guided by your specific needs and goals.

Sample Objectives

  • To provide a framework and common language for genuine dialogue about racism and to create an environment which encourages such dialogue.

  • To clarify the historical, political and social context for racism in the United States.

  • To uncover the systemic linkages among racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, anti-Semitism, ageism and all forms of oppression.

  • To probe the reality and daily experience of personal and institutional racism, internalized racism and white privilege.

  • To offer individual participants opportunities to deepen their own awareness and understanding of racism, and their commitment to racial justice.

  • To create personal and / or organizational, anti-racist, action plans.

You may also want to consider the following workshop as an introductory justice training for your group.

Cultural Diversity – the challenge and the gift
This interactive workshop offers a framework, language and reality check for several forms of oppression (usually racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism and ableism.) This is not a “managing diversity” or “cultural competence” training, but rather a powerful introduction to “anti-oppression / justice” training. Participants engage each other in a variety of activities that deepen their understanding of oppression and inspire them to taking action for justice. (workshop length: 1 – 3 days)